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Black History Month 2024: How Music And Art Are Critical In Fighting Racial Injustice And Equality

Carmen Lundy

Black History Month 2024
Two-time Grammy®-Nominated Artist, Carmen Lundy.

A guest editorial by two-time Grammy nominated artist Carmen Lundy for Black History Month 2024.

I used to believe that success was the common denominator for eliminating all forms of oppression. If only that were true.

Art and music are powerful human forms of expression. Resistance by social incivility and misguided political agendas can also be considered forms of

a basic ideology to "divide and conquer" in a society. 

As a Black woman, my eyes have seen a people rise up from some of the greatest atrocities known to man. I've heard the sound of truth resonate in a melody; my heart has known peace, joy, sadness, and disillusionment.

As a composer and artist, I've written, painted, and sung about everything from romantic love to fighting injustice to navigating the journey of life.

As long as there are no rules or laws preventing me from playing music and, painting pictures or writing books, I will continue to find ways to express myself and to reach the spirit.

Webster defines racism as "a disease". My definition of racism is "a form of stupidity".

Inequality is borne out of stupidity, not ignorance, because ignorance is to not know. Stupidity is simply not WANTING to know.

Is it possible to eradicate racism?

Yes. But it starts in the womb. Every parent who knows the joy of bringing life into the world has a job to do. 

The artist in all of us must teach our children to see one true color. The color of the heart. For without it, no one is ever free to know the true meaning of love.  

– Carmen Lundy 2/16/24


About Carmen Lundy

Black History Month 2024

Grammy® Nominated Jazz singer, composer, and arranger Carmen Lundy hails from Miami, Florida, and received her B.M. degree from the University of Miami. After an early career in Miami, Lundy moved to NYC in 1978, and in 1985, she released her first solo album entitled Good Morning Kiss, which topped the Billboard chart for 23 weeks. 

Currently on the Afrasia Productions label, Carmen is a two-time Grammy® Nominated artist for her 16th and newest album, Fade To Black, released on September 30, 2022, and her previous album, Modern Ancestors, both for Best Jazz Vocal Album. Her 2017 release Code Noir, debuted at #6 on the Billboard Jazz Chart and received critical and widespread acclaim. 


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